Startup ecosystem reports

Boundlss - key people in SEQ.jpg

Mapping startup founders, drones makers, robotics engineers, VCs, autonomous vehicles, co-working spaces and angel investors across Western Australia and Queensland. 

In the early days of Boundlss while we were experimenting with various ideas we produced reports for various Australian government and not for profit entities on early stage, high growth, digital technology companies (startups) in Western Australia (WA) or Queensland (QLD).

We produced 5 startup reports (3 for WA and 2 for QLD), several infographics and presentations:

  1. WA Startup Ecosystem Report 2015-16 for StartupWA, City of Perth and Dept Commerce (download here).
  2. Regional QLD Startup Ecosystem Report 2015 for Dept of Science, IT & Innovation and 7 local councils (download here). 
  3. SE QLD Startup Ecosystem Report 2014 for Dept of Science, IT, Innovation & Arts, City of Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane (download here).
  4. Perth Startup Ecosystem Report 2013 for the City of Perth (download here).
  5. Entrepreneurial innovation in the WA Wheatbelt 2016 for RDA Wheatbelt (download here).

The reports all focussed on early stage companies (generally under 5 years old), and digital or internet technologies - specifically those companies developing their own intellectual property in technologies such as computing, software, mobile applications, internet focused companies, electronics and hardware; particularly those hardware companies that incorporate software such as wearables, sensors, drones, robotics and autonomous vehicles. 

Innovative Data Collection

To collect the data we used a wide range of methods to ensure we captured all the startups across the regions. Some of our data collection methods included:

  • Focus groups and community workshops.

  • Interviews with key participants in the community.
  • Automated internet scraping, including Linkedin, Gust, Crunchbase, Twitter, Kickstarter etc.
  • Primary & secondary desktop research, and
  • Surveys


In general we included 

  • Market & trend analysis
  • Data analysis & visualisation
  • Case Studies: key founder and startup stories.
  • Benchmarking: benchmarking of the region against others regions eg UK, USA, SG etc on key metrics e.g. funding, angel or startup density.
  • Economic Analysis: including economic modelling and forecasting of the economic impact of technology innovation across economy.
  • Recommendations: highlight key areas of strength/opportunity and articulate clear pathways to grow these areas, e.g. autonomous vehicles or Geo spatial.



South East Queensland 2014 Startup Ecosystem Report.

South East Queensland 2014 Startup Ecosystem Report.
Boundlss - gaming sector in SEQ.jpg
Boundlss - Startups Stages & Conversion Rates.jpg
SEQ - Formation Rates.jpg
Boundlss - tech meetup groups in SEQ.jpg

Perth 2013 Startup Ecosystem Report.

Front Cover - ecosystem.jpg
OzApp Awards - network graph.jpg
Key Nodes & Centrality.jpg
Groups & Incubators.jpg
Ecosystem Stats.jpg
Funding Network Graph.jpg